There are many ways to begin Zen practice, and Boundless Way offers a number of options for you to explore, at your own pace and in your own time.
In Buddhism, we speak of three “treasures,” which are traditionally called Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. These Sanskrit words are simply labels, a way of understanding different aspects of the path through particular frames or lenses.
The Buddha
According to the story, after Gautama Siddhartha had his transformative insight into the nature of the world and himself he decided to find his former companions. On his way, he encountered an old sage who saw there was something special going on and asked, “Who are you? Are you a god or a deva (an angel)?” To which Siddhartha replied, “No, I am awake.”
Buddha means “one who is awakened.” In the Zen way, we say that everyone (and everything) is already awake to what is true and real, perceptible beyond any filters or constructions of the discriminating mind. As human beings we have the unique capacity to realize our awakened nature. In Boundless Way, we begin to realize our Buddha nature by learning to practice zazen, a Japanese word that means “sitting meditation.”
Learning to meditate: Zazen – The first step is to receive meditation instructions and help with your posture from a teacher or practice leader. You can ask for basic instructions from practice leaders before any practice period, or by requesting private instructions from one of the guiding (transmitted) teachers or assistant teachers. It is also possible to learn to do zazen through reading, but we encourage personal instruction.
It is fine to do zazen on a chair. Some people use a seiza (a Japanese word that means “to sit down”) meditation bench, which allows you to kneel in comfort. You may also use a zafu (a word that literally means “cattail seat” in Japanese — a round stuffed cushion) and zabuton (“seat-cloth-sphere” in Japanese — a flat padded cushion.)
Attending practice periods – Once you have learned how to practice zazen, you may attend daily or weekly practice periods. Sitting with a group can be very nourishing to your personal Zen practice. You may come for all or part of a practice period. We encourage you to commit to regular attendance, but you are welcome to come whenever you can.
Home practice – It is also important to begin to practice zazen at home on a regular basis, preferably daily. This will help you to become comfortable with your own body and mind and will begin to establish the ground for the realization of your Buddha nature. In the beginning, the length of time doesn’t matter as much as regularity: we recommend sitting for five or ten minutes two or three days a week, and working your way up to twenty-five minutes or more, every day.
The time of day is not important, but it’s a good idea to find a regular time in your schedule for zazen. You may also want to create a special place in your home that is devoted to meditation. You may even want to set up a home altar, with a Buddha figure or picture, flowers or a plant, fresh fruit, a bowl of water, a candle, and a pot for incense.
Sesshin – Multi-day practice periods are called sesshin, a Japanese word that literally means “to touch the heart-mind.” Coming to a sesshin is a way to deepen your practice of zazen. The schedule for sesshin is posted here and is also announced at weekly practice groups. You can attend any Boundless Way Zen Temple practice period or sesshin for any amount of time, although we strongly encourage you to come to an entire practice period or sesshin if your schedule allows it. When registration is limited we do give preference to those who can commit to the full schedule. Once you have decided to attend sesshin, you must submit an application. Registration opens approximately two months before the start of sesshin.
The Dharma
The word Dharma literally means “something that can be touched or held in the hand.” Generally, we understand Dharma to mean the teachings of the Buddha (sometimes called Buddhadharma) or the way things are, the law of the universe, or reality. In Boundless Way we study the Dharma in many ways: through reading books about Zen and Buddhism, studying and practicing the liturgy, receiving instruction in private meetings with a teacher, listening to talks by teachers (teisho, a Japanese word that means “demonstration of the shout”) and senior students, or by coming to study groups on various topics.
Chanting – At most of our practice periods, we have a period of chanting, in which we recite parts of the Boundless Way liturgy. Our liturgy is a combination of many translations and texts from different schools of Zen and Buddhism. When we chant, even though we may not understand the words, we allow the teachings of our ancestors to enter our understanding through our mouth, ears, and heart. Gradually, we find that the words attain a meaning that goes beyond intellectual understanding.
Dokusan and individual practice meetings – Brief individual meetings with a senior assistant teacher or a guiding (transmitted) teacher (dokusan) are offered regularly during some practice periods and at all day long and multi-day practice periods. Dokusan is a Japanese word that literally means “going alone to the teacher.” Once your practice is established you can also make an appointment with a teacher outside of the regular practice periods, in person, by telephone, or by videoconference. In individual meetings and dokusan, you can ask any questions or discuss matters related to your practice of zazen.
Shoken: a personal relationship with a guiding teacher – Within Boundless Way Zen Temple, we encourage committed students to do interviews (dokusan) with all of the guiding (transmitted) teachers and senior assistant teachers. At some point, however, it is wise to enter into a primary relationship with one transmitted teacher. This primary teacher-student relationship is called shoken, which in Japanese literally means, “seeing one another.” The shoken relationship in Boundless Way is not meant to be exclusive. We encourage shoken students to continue to study with all our teachers as well as to visit with teachers in other sanghas. Shoken does mean that one has committed to checking in with and seeking guidance from a specific person.
Dharma leadership – In Boundless Way, there are many opportunities to take on leadership in teaching and guiding others. You may be asked to take on responsibility for a particular practice group as a practice leader. As your practice matures, the transmitted teachers may ask you to take on the role of assistant teacher or senior assistant teacher. Assistant teachers introduce forms and practices in classes and lectures. They may also informally speak with other members of the community about details of practice and give Dharma talks. An assistant teacher may not give formal practice interviews (dokusan) or establish personal student-teacher relationships (shoken). In addition to the responsibilities of an assistant teacher, a senior assistant teacher may be authorized to give practice interviews. A senior assistant teacher may not establish formal personal student-teacher relationships (shoken).
In Boundless Way Zen Temple, we regard every Zen practitioner as a Zen practitioner, whether lay or ordained. And we don’t privilege one way of following the path over the other. That being said, we do offer priestly ordination as a particular path. If this interests you, you can talk to a transmitted teacher about ordaining. BWZ priests may perform many liturgical functions, which include presiding over Zen ceremonies and sutra services, and conducting life passages such as birth, marriage, and funeral ceremonies. They are called to be leaders in the community and to fulfill pastoral and ministerial roles. They may minister to the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of sangha members who have experienced illness, loss, grief, or injury. They may also be engaged in any traditional ministerial role in the larger community.
The Sangha
Boundless Way Zen Temple is a community of people committed to waking up to their lives through Zen practice. Sangha is a word that means “community of practitioners” in Sanskrit. Besides attendance at weekly and all-day practice periods and sesshins, you can become involved in the BWZ sangha in a number of ways.
Work practice (Samu) – You can contribute to the Boundless Way Zen Temple through work practice. There are many work projects that are ongoing, and you can speak to your practice leaders and teachers about ways to volunteer. Your skills or interest in carpentry, gardening, organizing, technology, community service, or anything that you feel may contribute to the sangha are welcome.
Generosity (Dana) – Boundless Way Zen Temple is sustained financially by donations. “Dana” is a Sanskrit word that means “generosity” and is meant to be an expression of gratitude for the teachings and the community. There is a dana bowl in the Temple hallway for donations. You may also mail a check or give through Paypal on our donation page.
Becoming a member – Visit our Membership page to learn about becoming a member of the Boundless Way Zen Temple. When you become a member of the Temple, you also become a member of our parent organization, Boundless Way Zen.
Helping with Weekly Practice Periods – The practice leaders and teachers who are responsible for the weekly practice periods can always use your help. You can volunteer to help set up the practice room or zendo, pass out sutra books, take care of the handouts table, prepare the altar, and/or help pack up supplies and clean up after the practice period. You may want to learn to play one or more of the liturgical instruments that are used during chanting. Volunteers are also needed before and after sesshin. If you are interested in helping in these ways, please speak to a practice leader or teacher.
Ethics – Another way to engage in the community is to actualize your zazen practice through mindful speech and ethical behavior. The traditional path of morality and ethics in Zen is outlined in the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts, which you can study by yourself, with a teacher, and/or in a study group. The precepts were originally designed as guidelines for living a life that supports and deepens practice in everyday life. They can also function as an endless source of contemplation and help us to continually awaken to the universal nature of reality that we call Buddha Nature.
The Precepts – Each year, there are two formal ceremonies at the Temple in which Boundless Way students share their commitment to the precepts in the community, one in the fall and one in the spring. “Taking the precepts” (jukai) with a teacher who has received Dharma transmission from his or her teacher is a way to publicly acknowledge commitment to this way that is beyond words and forms. We vow together to embrace the actual circumstances of our lives and to enter fully into whatever we encounter. Instructions for taking the precepts are explained in detail here. You may feel that this is a natural and important step on your spiritual journey. Or you may feel that taking the precepts is entirely unnecessary and perhaps even a distraction from your true path. You may study the precepts in any way that is meaningful to you, and you will be supported in whatever path you choose.