Join now by filling out our Membership form
We invite you to join in our mission and deepen your personal engagement in Boundless Way Zen Temple activities by becoming a member. The primary benefit of membership is the opportunity to make a meaningful, personal contribution to our sangha life. Your commitment to the sangha allows the Temple to offer teachings and practice to anyone who comes here. Each member will be able to vote at the Temple Annual Meeting. Members will be given priority registration and discounted fees at selected Temple events.
Joining the Temple
Becoming a member or a supporting friend is simple: simply fill out this form to join online. On the form, you will be asked to choose a membership level, and specify your donation and how you would like to pay (monthly is preferred, but other options are also offered). Membership is open to all, regardless of the level of your financial contribution. If you are a new member, your membership form will be reviewed by the Temple Leadership Council, and you will be contacted in the extremely rare case that there are any concerns. Members are required to fill out a pledge form annually and are expected to fulfill their pledge as well as participate in the ongoing life and purposes of the Temple. Membership and pledges are renewed each year.
Membership Levels
The following suggested amounts of member giving are intended to provide general guidelines1:
The following suggested amounts of member giving are intended to provide general guidelines for annual giving:
- Student/Senior: $120 – $400 per year ($10-$33 per month)
- Individual: $400 – $1200 ($33 – $100 per month)
- Family (2+ individuals): $750 – $1800 ($62-$150 per month)
- Sustainer: $1800 or 3% of income
Payment Information
Make checks payable to ‘Boundless Way Zen Temple.’ We are a nonprofit religious organization and membership contributions are tax-deductible. If your checking account supports online banking, you can automate your payment, by setting up Boundless Way Zen Temple as payee with a recurring payment, or via recurring payment in PayPal.
Membership is open to everyone, regardless of the level of your financial contribution.
Membership expires at the end of the calendar year. You can renew your membership by filling out the Renew/New Member form:
You can pay your membership dues in three ways:
1. Via PayPal (note: PayPal charges the Temple ~3% fee for this service, which they deduct from your contribution.) To make a one-time or recurring payment via PayPal to fulfill your pledge, click the button below and enter the amount of your initial contribution. Note that you can also choose the year to which to apply the payment.
2. Automatic recurring payment through your bank or personal check to “Boundless Way Zen Temple” sent to the Temple address:
Boundless Way Zen Temple
1030 Pleasant Street
Worcester, MA 01602
att: membership
3. By cash, in an envelope marked with your name and “Temple Membership Dues” and left in the donation bowl at the Temple
Please note that all membership donations will be accounted towards the pledge of the intended year. However, for tax purposes, each donation will be recorded in the year it is made, and thus will be included in the donation acknowledgement letter (to be submitted with your taxes) of that year. This may be different from the membership pledge year of the payment.
Boundless Way Zen Temple is a religious, nonprofit public charity organization. Your contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.