Boundless Way Zen Temple strives to provide a supportive, open, and honest environment for practice. When you become a member of the Boundless Way Zen Temple sangha, you consciously agree to abide by a code of ethics in order to nurture and protect our community and our continuing practice. If you or another sangha member ever have an ethics concern, you can contact our Ethics and Reconciliation (EAR) Committee. The EAR Committee exists to ensure that anyone with such a concern will be listened to fully and that all ethics concerns will be explored and addressed confidentially.
Current Members of the EAR Committee:
- Pierce Butler
- Madhusmita Dhakal
- Paul Galvin
Email the EAR committee.
Note: emails to this address will be received only by the current EAR committee members and will be held confidentially by them unless you mutually agree otherwise.
Download the Code of Ethics.