Dharma Inquiry Discussion
Please join us for a time to explore and discuss a reading from our Boundless Way Zen sutra book. Michael and Paul will facilitate reflection and discussion on the reading At Ease and in Harmony by Keizan Jokin (Page 56 in the BoWZT Sutra Book and below).
Each of us will share our impressions and consider the perspectives of others with guidance. And we will all take refuge in Sangha as we speak and explore the Dharma together. The gathering is open to everyone (pre-registration is not required), with a suggested donation of $10 – $20, which can be given on our Temple donation page to support our ongoing engagement in the dharma.
Join the discussion using the Boundless Way Zen Worcester Temple link.
At Ease and in Harmony
by Keizan Jokin
Sometimes when you are sitting you may feel hot or cold,
discomfort or ease, stiff or loose, heavy or light, and sometimes startled.
The mind may feel as if it were sinking or floating;
it may seem dull or sharp.
Sometimes you can see outside the room, or inside the body,
or the forms of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Sometimes you may believe that in this moment
you have attained wisdom and now thoroughly understand
all the sutras and commentaries.
These extraordinary conditions sometimes arise—
just keep body-and-mind at ease and deportment in harmony.
Shed worldly sentiments and do not become attached
to sublime feelings about the Way.
Though you should not spare the Dharma,
do not speak of it unless you are asked.
If someone asks from the heart, then give the teachings.
If you wish to speak ten times, keep quiet nine;
it’s as if moss grew over your mouth or like a fan in winter.
A wind-bell hanging in the air, indifferent to the direction of the wind
—this is how people of the Way are.
Do not use the Way to make yourself important.
This is the foremost point to remember.
Remain always in Great Compassion and dedicate the limitless power of
zazen to all beings. Maintain the vow to realize awakening—and just sit.
• Do nothing at all.
• This is the way to study Zen.
(Page 56 in the BoWZT Sutra Book)