Dharma Inquiry Discussion: Who Owns the Weather?

Facilitated by: Dharma Holder, Michael Herzog and Senior Assistant Teacher, Rev. Paul Galvin

Please join us for a time to explore and discuss a reading from our Boundless Way Zen sutra book. Michael and Paul will facilitate reflection and discussion on the reading Who Owns the Weather?

Each of us will share our impressions and consider the perspectives of others with guidance. And we will all take refuge in Sangha as we speak and explore the Dharma together. The gathering is open to everyone free of charge and pre-registration is not required. For those who are able, a suggested donation of $10 – $20 can be given on our Temple donation page to support our ongoing engagement in the dharma.

Join the discussion using the Boundless Way Zen Worcester Temple link.


Who Owns the Weather?

by Joan Tollifson

Is there anyone inside this body-and-mind who is doing the talking, doing the hearing, doing the thinking, making the choices, performing the actions? Is there anyone in control of what is arising and appearing?

Is there any owner of the so-called internal weather, someone who is responsible for it? Is there a fundamental difference between a thunderstorm and a burst of anger, or between a cloudy day and a wave of depression or a moment of anxiety?

When it’s the weather outside, when it’s the thunderstorm or the haze or the clouds, it’s clear no one owns it. We don’t take it personally. But when it’s the internal weather, then there’s a very old story that someone owns it, that there’s a “me” who has it, who needs to figure out what to do about it and how to fix it. It seems so personal.

In this moment, is there definitely a problem that needs to be solved, or is there only ever-changing appearance, endlessly solving and dissolving itself? In this moment, is there anything that needs to be different, or is this idea of a problem and search for a solution • nothing more than passing thoughts, • no more substantial than last night’s dreams?



Apr 24 2024


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
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