Outdoor Practice Retreat

This October, Boundless Way Zen Temple sponsors its second annual Outdoor Practice Retreat, to take place on a rustic, secluded property on the Massachusetts / Rhode Island border. Activities will include both indoor and outdoor zazen and kinhin (sitting and walking meditation), dharma talks and dharma dialogue, dokusan (one-on-one interviews with a teacher), gentle hiking through a wildlife refuge, creative expression, samu (work practice), and a firelight dharma sharing circle.

The retreat will be led by Dharma Holder Alan Sanhyō Richardson. Senior Assistant Teacher Pierce Butler will serve as Tanto (Practice Leader) and Jenny Smith as Registrar.

Participants should be prepared for cool weather: sleeping bags and warm clothing will be required. Individual tenting and sleeping in either unheated or semi-heated indoor spaces are all options. We will explore together aspects of our Zen heritage that feature meditation, wandering, and creative activity in natural surroundings.

Registration is now open. To register, go to the Boundless Way Zen Temple Sesshin Registration page.

Please address questions concerning the retreat to Alan Richardson at alan.richardson@bc.edu or Pierce Butler at pbutler@bentley.edu.

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Oct 18 - 20 2024


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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